Tag: Reflection

  • Boundaries Part 1: The Line

    21st August 2022 In all my work with clients, the work on boundaries abounds. My work with children, adolescents, adults, older adults, parents, employees, spouses. You name it – boundaries come up time and time again. So what are boundaries? Before I attempt to answer that – full disclaimer that this short post will make…

  • Keep Going: Curiosity, The Horse & Growth Ditches.

    5th August 2022 Very few things in life are linear. Change and recovery are no exception. When we are making progress in therapy, in life, in parenting, in addiction, in relationships, in health matters, in work – it can feel really good. It IS really great. However, when the bumps come (and they always do),…

  • Relinquishing control and freeing the soul

    23 July 2022 For many people, they grew up worrying about their parent/parents/caregiver. They wanted to make them happy, make them smile, make them stop worrying. Of course, this is by definition, impossible, it is an impossible task for a child to hold this much control and authority over an adult. It is destined to…

  • At home experiment 101: Action & Reflection

    15 July 2022 Often when it comes to mental health, people don’t know where to start. Problems can seem insurmountable, ridiculously complex and overlapping, painfully enduring and stuck. Indeed, this is what brings many people to treatment. So what can you do right now? At home? As you wait for an appointment with a doctor…